The Punch card is usually a call to action. Stand up for yourself. Be in your power. Communicate your values. End negativity in yourself and the world. Fight for justice. Join the spiritual revolution. In short, punch is a symbol of empowerment. Rise up.

Similarly to Gun and Knife, Punch sometimes stands for violence. Punch can be a gesture of anger, whether constructive or destructive. If this is the case for you, examine where your intentions and actions are stemming from. Are you meaning well? Are you acting from your higher self?

Lastly, Punch can stand for a rude awakening coming or already arrived. If this is the case for you, know the law of karma. One reaps what they sow, from this lifetime or another. Try to be a force of Good where and when you can.

More Meanings:

Surprise, a hard knock from the universe, uprising, lay down the law.